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Monday 11 October 2010

Vintage Floral Prints and the Housewife

Well, this isn't really day 3, but I was travelling and so the jet lag and unpacking and stuff made me take a little break from my blog.
But here I am again! The 3rd Blog! Wow! I am getting a hang of things now... (or i guess so)

So today's blog is about Vintage Floral Prints (see: Cath Kidston) and the Housewife (see: the everyday homemaker NOT a desperate one ;-) )

Well, I just got inspired by this topic while reading the Autumn'10 catalogue of Cath Kidston. These vintage floral prints that have been used since a really long time, hence the term 'vintage'. FYI, Wiki informs me that "clothing from the 1920s to 1980s is considered vintage" (it kind of makes me happy to know I am not Vintage!)

Anyway, its nice to imagine a happier time which is set in a bright morning in a small cosy cottage in the English countryside. You can see the sunlight pouring in through the glass windows which have been so beautifully draped with vintage pink floral prints on a light pastel green background. One can imagine the sun rays pouring in through these windows and brightening up the small kitchen. The table so neatly dressed in a fine tablecloth, again, with vintage florals, but this time in a light yellow and 'lavender mist' shade. Adorned by a steaming coffee brew and gorgeous Waterford Wedgewood china the table is set and ready for morning breakfast. It is also a host to a fine bread basket filled with delicious fresh bakery products, jams, freshly cut fruits, juice, baked beans and much more....
Looking around the kitchen, you can see, a lot of touch of these vintage floral prints. Some on the cutlery, some on the oven mitts, a dash on the salt & pepper shakers, the hand-wash, the hand towels and cleaning cloths. You like to imagine yourself in such happier times when you see the housewife sitting happily on the kitchen chair, sipping her morning coffee and reading the vintage floral catalogue....

P.S. : Then the cellphone rings and reminds you of work. You realise that nor are you the housewife nor do you live in the Vintage Floral era....... *sigh*
